Lucy’s friends in the news!

Our friend Vicki Beckham-Smith contributed to a fantastic Georgia Outdoors segment on bats. . Learn more about Vicki and her bats on her website.

Another great friend to bats, Corky Quirk, looks out for bats in Northern California through NorCal Bats. Her local public television station did a terrific special about a huge colony of bats Corky keeps tabs on. Watch it!

A note from Lucy's people...there is a lot of chatter about public radio and television, and some people have been very vocal about calling for cuts to government funding for public media. But some of the best and most accurate nature news and programming comes from public radio and television. Public media does not focus only on celebrities, sensationalism, or 'big' stories. Without public media, bats and local personalities would rarely get any media coverage at all. Please support your local public radio and television stations. The bats need them!

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