Brownie’s Halloween

Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a 6th grade student and Save Lucy volunteer.
This week, we welcome another student, special guest illustrator E. Wright, who donated an illustration to today's blog.

Hello, it’s only five more days until Halloween! Yay! Today I will share a story that I wrote about Brownie the bat on Halloween.

Brownie’s Halloween

It was one week before Halloween, and Brownie the bat still hadn’t picked a Halloween costume. “What am I going to do?!” Brownie said. “Well, you could be anything you want.” Brownie’s mom said. “I know.” Brownie sighed. “Bye mom. I am going to be late for school,” he said just before he free-fell out the hole in the cave he lived in. “AND NO SILLY TRICKS LIKE THAT!” Brownie’s mom called after him, but Brownie was too far away to hear.

“What are you going to be for Halloween?” a familiar voice said. “Hi Stella!” Brownie said. “I’m not sure. What are you going to be?” “I am going to be a canary.” Stella said.

Down below, the school bell rang, and Stella and Brownie did a very fast dive. After seven long hours, school finally ended. Stella and Brownie flew home together.
“Do you want to come over to my house and have a sleepover?” Stella asked. “Sure.” Brownie said.

Illustration by E. Wright

“Hello Stella!” Brownie’s mom said. “Hi Mrs. Baker. Can Brownie and I have a sleepover at my house today?” Stella said. “Why of course Brownie can have a sleepover with you,” Brownie’s mom said. “She is such a nice girl,” Brownie’s mom said once Stella left to go to her cave.


“I know. I am going up to my room to do my homework. Ok, Mom!” Brownie yelled as he was running up the stairs. After he had finished his homework, Brownie tried to decide what he was going to be for Halloween. He had made a looong list of things he could be. He read them out loud. “A bat? Nah. A canary? No, that is what Stella’s costume is. Oh, none of these costumes are good! I think I’ll go to Stella’s house now.”

On his way to Stella’s house, Brownie saw a strange thing on the ground. “What a strange thing. What is it doing on the ground?” Brownie asked himself. Brownie flew closer to the thing and realized that it was…it was…Brownie could not believe his eyes; it was a person. “That’s what I am going to be!!” Brownie said a little too loudly.

Luckily, humans can’t hear bats very well. When Brownie got to Stella’s house he told her what he was going to be, and she loved the idea.

On Halloween night Brownie and Stella went trick-or-treating, Stella as a canary and Brownie as a person.

Stay tuned for next week’s blog. We’ll find out how Brownie’s night was.

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