Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a 6th grade student and Save Lucy volunteer. Rachael’s interest in bats was sparked by the big browns bats that use the outside of her home for a winter roost. Her family has cheerfully hosted this wild colony for years.
Hi Everyone! My bat friends have been enjoying the nice Spring weather this week. They have been moving around a lot. Right now, most of them are tucked up high, but one of them is hanging with her head out of the roost. She’s cute. (I’ve decided it must be a girl.)
We have a picture of a new bat on the Facebook page! It is a male big bat. He is a “young, underweight, dehydrated bat.” Here is a picture of him trying to be fierce and scare off the scary human taking care of him. I hope he feels better soon.
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cool pic.s