Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a 7th grade student and Save Lucy volunteer. Rachael’s interest in bats was sparked by the big brown bats that used the outside of her former home for a winter roost. Her family cheerfully hosted this wild colony for years.
Hi everyone! It’s been another cold week at Save Lucy. They have gotten a lot of bats that are having trouble making it through the long winter. They’ve gotten about 30 bats in so far this year. That is in addition to all the bats they were already taking care of. That’s a lot of little bats! Hopefully most of the little bats will be feeling better soon and will be able to be released once the weather warms up.
There is one little guy who probably won’t be able to be released. The person who found him named him Nicky and he’s adorable. The poor little guy has a broken arm. He probably won’t ever be able to fly again. I really hope he’ll feel better soon. He could make a cute little education bat.
[We will carefully assess Nicky's ability to have a good quality of life in captivity. If he does not adapt to his injury or if he will be in pain, we will have to say goodbye to him and send him to batty heaven. It's a hard choice, but the well-being of the bat has to come before our feelings.--Ed.]
One Reply to “It’s hard out there for a bat!”
It’s sad that Nicky might be in pain and might have to go to batty heaven. I really hope he adapts to his injury and isn’t in pain. TMC