Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a 7th grade student and Save Lucy volunteer. Rachael’s interest in bats was sparked by the big brown bats that used the outside of her former home for a winter roost. Her family cheerfully hosted this wild colony
Hi everyone! I’m sure everyone has already heard about the terrible earthquake that hit Nepal last weekend. Thousands of people have died and many, many more are injured. I’m very worried about them because my grandmother has some very good friends in Nepal. The conditions there are terrible right now, so I want to wish them the very best and dedicate my blog to all the people of Nepal this week. My thoughts are with you all.
Since we’re talking about Nepal, I thought it would be nice to research Nepali bats this week. They have some really neat bats! I think my favorite is called a painted bat. It has nice warm fur that is very black and orange. The colors are very defined. I think the painted bat looks beautiful! They also have horseshoe bats with very interesting noses, leaf bats, and fruit bats in Nepal. There are a lot of websites about all the Nepali bats, but the one I liked most was Bats of Nepal.
It is written by the Nepal Institute of Forestry and has a lot of information and some really pretty pictures.
And now for Save Lucy news…a whole bunch of the bats that spent the winter with the rehabilitators are well enough to be released soon. They have been flying around the flight cage and are very excited about the nice Spring weather. I hope they all do well once they are released.
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