BatFest Arlington Tonight!!

Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a middle school student and Save Lucy volunteer. Rachael’s interest in bats was sparked by the big brown bats that used the outside of her former home for a winter roost. Her family cheerfully hosted the wild colony for years.

Hi everyone! I hope everyone had a great week and is enjoying the last few weeks of summer.

I would like to dedicate this week’s blog to Mr. Lenny B. Robinson, aka The Route 29 Batman. For years, Mr. Robinson dressed up as Batman and drove around town in his custom Batmobile car. He visited sick children in local hospitals to cheer them up and offer them a little bit of distraction from being sick. Sadly, Mr. Robinson passed away last weekend. I know many children are very sad right now.

I am very happy to announce that tonight (Baturday, August 22), there will be a Bat Festival in Arlington, VA. It is going to be at Gulf Branch Nature Center and Park at 3608 North Military Rd. Mrs. Sturges (Save Lucy’s very own Director and my personal friend and editor J) will be teaching about bats and introducing the audience to some of my favorite little furry friends. There are 4 talks that will be given from 6:30-9:30. Please join us for the fun filled batty adventure that best fits your age group. You can find more information here: Hope to see you there!

And for those of you whose summer is over and are going back to school on Monday…good luck!  I hope you like your classes and don’t forget that bats make wonderful science fair subjects…think bat houses, the importance of bats, finding a cure for WNS, etc.  And if you are the one who finds a cure for WNS, I’m sure we can come up with a suitably batty award. You’ll deserve it!

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