Festival, Freda, and Foxes

Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a middle school student and Save Lucy volunteer. Rachael’s interest in bats was sparked by the big brown bats that used the outside of her former home for a winter roost. Her family cheerfully hosted the wild colony for years.

A photograph of Julie B
A pencil drawing and felt art of Tinybat by Julie B. You can check out her art here.

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a fun week! As I told everyone last week, Bat Fest Arlington was on Saturday (aka Baturday). It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed meeting some of you. Three of Save Lucy’s bats were there. It was nice to see Mooch again. He performed quite nicely for the crowd and squeaked a lot, which made everyone very happy. Little Freda wasn’t quite as happy to see her admirers. She did not want to eat or drink, but she did show off her lovely tail for her audience. There was also a really pretty red bat named Poppy.

In addition to Save Lucy’s live bat talk, there was a Bat Art Gallery on display. I really enjoyed seeing all the pretty artwork. My favorite was the little felt Tinybat and

A photograph of a small portion of Save Lucy
A small portion of Save Lucy's art collection.

Tinybat’s picture. I still miss him, so it’s always nice to see it. There were a lot of really pretty paintings of bats and some pottery bat bowls. There were a lot of batty activities outside and a batwalk, too.

I hope to see some more of you at Bat Fest in Annandale next month. It's on Saturday, September 12! You can register here

I’d also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone to stay away from wild animals, even if they are adorable and cute and fluffy. I saw a family of fox kits last night (I know…they weren’t bats, but they were still cute). They were crossing the street and frolicking around. They were adorable! My mom pulled the car over so that we could watch them for a little while. It was hard not to get out of the car and cuddle them. No matter how much you want to, please don’t. If a wild animal bites you, the animal will get in trouble. And, you’ll have a painful animal bite. So, please, please don’t touch wild animals.

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