As little things go…

Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a soon-to-be high school student and Save Lucy volunteer. Rachael’s interest in bats was sparked by the big brown bats that used the outside of her former home for a winter roost. Rachael has been writing the Baturday News for three years.

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a nice week.

A photograph of tricolored bat pup Harold with a cheerio to show how small he was.
Little Harold was quite opinionated and did not want his picture taken with a cheerio for scale. We miss his tiny self very much.

I have some very sad news. Little Harold the adorable tri-colored bat pup that I met last week passed away. No one really knows what happened. He was eating well and seemed healthy, but still, he didn’t make it. I guess that sometimes little bats are so tiny when they are separated from their mothers that there isn’t much a human can do. I am very sad because he was a wonderful little pup. I was going to teach him to write poetry. Everyone at Save Lucy is very sad.

The other little pups I met seem to be doing well. Who knows, maybe one of them will prove to be poetic before they are released.

In different news, the very nice woman from Bat Conservation International who I met last week gave me some magazines to read. One of the magazines had a short article that I thought had some good news worth sharing. Apparently a man named Ralph Arwood found a new roost of rare Florida bonneted bats in Big Cypress National Preserve! You can read about it and see a very pretty picture of a bonneted bat here.

Thank you Mrs. Jemison for my magazines and all the other fun stuff you gave me!

I hope you all have a nice week.

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