Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a middle school student and Save Lucy volunteer. Rachael’s interest in bats was sparked by the big brown bats that used the outside of her former home for a winter roost. Her family cheerfully hosted the wild colony for years.
Hi everyone! I hope you all had a great week! Schools finally reopened this week. It was hard to go back, but it was nice to see all my friends again.
It is my honor and privilege to announce that Save Lucy is releasing some very awesome animated bat videos soon. You are all going to LOVE them! I think they might just be the cutest videos ever! I absolutely cannot wait until they are released to the public!
These videos will all show the viewers that Bats Aren’t Scary. The way they do it is adorable. I hope you all like them as much as I do!
One little not so scary guy is named Reggie. He isn’t scary, but humans are.
Little Nicky the Bat and his sibling are featured in “Settle Down”. This video shows that bat children are just like human children…not scary at all.
Little Milo the Bat has already been featured on Save Lucy’s Facebook page. He will be the star of a video called “Om Nom Nom”. From the title, you can probably guess, this little guy saves the day by eating. Eating isn’t scary and he saves the day!
I would like to thank Mrs. Sturges for working so hard on the stories. She did an amazing job. Thank you to Ms. Annie Chen for doing an awesome job as an animator. All your hard work made these videos really fun to watch. And thank you to Ms. Kim O’Keefe for the adorable character design. Ms. O’Keefe is the same amazing artist who draws the bats on all Save Lucy’s t-shirts. I really wish I could draw bats the way she does!
I would also like to say a HUGE thank you to the US Fish and Wildlife Service. It was their very generous grant that made these animations possible. So, thank you to them for all they do for all the critters of the country, especially our little batty friends.
Stay tuned for the videos. I hope you all like them. After you watch them, please share them with your friends and family. We need to get the word out that bats aren’t scary and they need our help. After seeing the cute, fluffy animated bats, I’m sure everyone will love them!
I hope you all have a good week!