Tinybat goes to Washington

A picture of Tinybat, a tricolored bat

We are so thrilled to be invited to support the screening of Battle for Bats: Surviving White Nose Syndrome at DC's Environmental Film Festival. We're bringing bats to help show attendees what we're losing. So come meet tiny representatives of the species we're losing!

Directed by David McGowan and produced by the USDA's Forest Service in conjunction with the national WNS response team , the film is a sobering reminder of what's happening to North American bats, but highlights the amazing amount of cooperation and effort that is going into finding a solution for an ongoing wildlife crisis.

When: March 27, 2014. Meet bats at 6:30 pm; film at 7 pm, followed by a panel discussion on the National Response Plan to WNS
Where: U.S. Department of the Interior, Yates Auditorium, 1849 C St., NW, (Metro: Farragut West)
How much? The event is free, and no reservations are required
For more details, click here

If you can't make it, please watch the film anyway!

One Reply to “Tinybat goes to Washington”


Awesome video — it gave me an idea for my school engineering fair. I might be able to convince my principal to let me make a bat box station on the grounds of our school after our renovation. If we’re lucky enough to get bats, we can make it a school project to monitor the population.

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