Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a 7th grade student and Save Lucy volunteer. Rachael’s interest in bats was sparked by the big brown bats that used the outside of her former home for a winter roost. Her family cheerfully hosted this wild colony for years. Hi everyone! I have some fantastic news! It’s not too late to order some Bat Scout cookies! Don’t you want to order a box or two for your furry friends? And for the latest news here at Save Lucy…there is a new little bat here! She is an adorable little Red Bat. Her wing tips are damaged so she’ll never be able to fly well. She won’t be able to be released, so she’s going to stay with the other bats at Save Lucy. Isn’t this picture of her adorable? She made it just in time to order some Bat Wings, Crunch-A-Dos, and some Caledonias. (I wonder how she is going to pay. Mealworm money anyone?) I guess that’s what red bats like to eat. I hope that she doesn’t get a sugar rush after she eats some of her cookies. I hope she has settled in and is ok. I can’t wait to meet her!
Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a 7th grade student and Save Lucy volunteer. Rachael’s interest in bats was sparked by the big brown bats that used the outside of her former home for a winter roost. Her family cheerfully hosted this wild colony for years. Hi everyone! It’s Bat Scout cookie time! This year, there is a new flavor – Rah Rah Rove Beetles! The Bat Scouts are still offering the flavors from last year too, so if you had a favorite you can still order that. Here is this year’s list. Mango Munchies – Perfect for fruit bats. These bite-sized mango cookies are dusted with powdered banana and bursting with yummy mango flavor. Bat Wings – Shaped like a bat’s wing, these delicate-tasting, insect flavored cookies are delightfully simple and satisfying. Crunch-A-Dos – Crisp and crunchy beetle shell cookies with creamy worm filling. Caledonias – Crisp fruity cookie coated in nectar, sprinkled with toasted pollen, and striped with a dark blossomy coating. Hangalongs – Crispy cookies layered with mealworm butter and covered with a mothy coating. Thin Moths – Crispy cookies covered with a mothy coating. !new! Rah Rah Rove Beetles – Hearty beetle shell cookies with plump rove beetle chunks. Don’t these sound so good! I bet all your little neighborhood bats want some. Why don’t you order them a box or two or three or four? Little Freda is very excited to try her first Bat Scout cookie. She is looking forward to the new Rah Rah Rove Beetles and the Hangalongs. Little Quince wants some Thin Moths. Fierce and Gladys can’t decide if they want to stick with the Crunch-A-Dos or try the new flavor. I think they should get both. Don’t forget the annual Bat Scout Cookie Program gives bats the […]
Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a 7th grade student and Save Lucy volunteer. Rachael’s interest in bats was sparked by the big brown bats that used the outside of her former home for a winter roost. Her family cheerfully hosted this wild colony for years. Hi everyone! I hope you all had a good week. The bats at Save Lucy were wondering where all the excitement and parties went. They already miss the holidays and are looking forward to Valentine’s Day. It has been sooooooooooo cold here! I saw on the news that it has been cold all over the country. Some places in the country are even colder than Mars! And that’s cold! They canceled school because it was too cold for the buses to start. The bats enjoyed their snow days! Well, the bats at Save Lucy did. The bats outside were too cold! This is the time of year that many bats hibernate in caves. I’m worried about them and I really hope they all make it through the winter without getting White Nose Syndrome! Maybe this will be the year that scientists find a cure. Next week…It’s time for Bat Scout Cookies! There’s a new flavor!
Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a 7th grade student and Save Lucy volunteer. Rachael’s interest in bats was sparked by the big brown bats that used the outside of her former home for a winter roost. Her family cheerfully hosted this wild colony for years. Hi everyone! Happy New Year! I hope you all had a great one. It might have been hard for you all to stay awake that late, but the bats were just getting started when the ball dropped. Little Freda was very excited because it was her first New Year celebration. She tried to wear a festive hat and 2015 glasses, but they kept falling off. She has a tiny head, you know. The other bats all thought she was a little silly. 2014 was a very busy year here at Save Lucy. We said “hello” to a lot of new friends. We met “Paint Can”. We also got to meet a few new bat species…Freda is one of them, but we also got a couple of Seminole bats. We also said “good bye” to a dear little bat friend, Tinybat. Let’s hope that 2015 is just as exciting as 2014, but without the sad good byes. Happy New Year Everyone! [Please see our year end report here–ed.]
Please enjoy our report from 2014!
Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a 7th grade student and Save Lucy volunteer. Rachael’s interest in bats was sparked by the big brown bats that used the outside of her former home for a winter roost. Her family cheerfully hosted this wild colony for years. Hi everyone! I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and that you all got lots and lots of batty gifts. I got a huge stuffed vampire bat. It is very cute. Santa Bat came to visit the little bats at Save Lucy. Freda was very happy to celebrate her first Christmas with a big bowl of juicy mealworms. She had a lot of fun hiding in her stocking too. Fierce and Gladys had a lot of fun snuggling in a Santa hat. I think it was a very festive time for the bats! The bats would like to thank everyone who has taken care of them and contributed to their care over the past year. Even though they sometimes have little squeaky fussing fits, they really do appreciate their humans. [And we at Save Lucy would like to thank our wonderful volunteers who take care of bats at headquarters, blog, illustrate, rehabilitate, clean, fold, organize, field phone calls, and provide cheerful support all year–LS] Merry Christmas! And Happy New Year!
Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a 7th grade student and Save Lucy volunteer. Rachael’s interest in bats was sparked by the big brown bats that used the outside of her former home for a winter roost. Her family cheerfully hosted this wild colony for years. Hi Everyone! The bats are still very excited that Christmas is coming. They just know that Santa Bat is coming. I think they’ve been good and he’ll fill their stockings with yummy mealworms. Now we just need to get Freda out of the stocking. Isn’t she cute? I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas! And to all the boys, girls and bats out there who celebrate Hanukkah we say, Chanukah Sameach! I hope everyone has a great week!
Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a 7th grade student and Save Lucy volunteer. Rachael’s interest in bats was sparked by the big brown bats that used the outside of her former home for a winter roost. Her family cheerfully hosted this wild colony for years. Hi Everyone! I thought it would be nice to teach you a festive and batty Christmas song. This is what the bats at Save Lucy have been squeaking all week! I think they are looking forward to getting mealworms for Christmas. Frosty the snowbat was a jolly happy soul, With a little stick pipe and a whiskery nose and two eyes made out of coal. Frosty the snowbat is a fairy tale, they say, He was made of snow but the bat pups know how he came to life one day. There must have been some mealworms in that old silk hat they found. For when they placed it on his head he began to fly around. O, Frosty the snowbat was alive as he could be, And the bat pups say he could squeak and play just the same as you and me. Flappetty flap flap, flappety flap flap, Look at Frosty go. Flappetty flap flap, flappety flap flap, Over the caves of snow. Frosty the snowbat knew the sun was coming up that day, So he said, “Let’s fly and we’ll have some fun now before I go away.” Down to the village, with a little twig in his hand, Flying here and there all around the square squeaking, Catch me if you can. He led them down the streets of town right to the traffic bat. And he only paused a moment when he heard him squeak “Stop!” For Frosty the snowbat had to hurry on his way, […]
Baturday News is a weekly blog written by Rachael, a 7th grade student and Save Lucy volunteer. Rachael’s interest in bats was sparked by the big brown bats that used the outside of her former home for a winter roost. Her family cheerfully hosted this wild colony for years. Hi everyone! The little bats at Save Lucy are getting ready for Christmas. Some of them are very excited because it’s their first Christmas! They’ve been writing their letters to Santa. I thought Freda’s was really cute. Here is a copy of it. I hope Santa gets her everything on her list! Dear Santa, I hope you and the reindeer are doing well. I am very excited because this is my very first Christmas! Some of my new bat friends said I should write you a letter and tell you what I want for Christmas. I’m just a little bat so I think I would be happy with anything you brought me, but I’d really like a couple of things. I would LOVE to have a huge container of mealworms. I would also like some waxworms and maybe a little blanket. Thank you! From, Freda I hope everyone has a happy holiday season! Don’t forget to write your letters! I bet you’ve all been really good this year and will get some really cool things from Santa!
Do you want to help an all-volunteer. grassroots organization that educates the public AND rescues bats? We have a few suggestions! Check out our Amazon Wishlist Click that donate button up there on the right! Send us some art for the website! Volunteer!