Our Blog

Information, musings, and news about Bats

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a good week! Mine was awesome because, once again, I did not have a full week of school. That’s right! Friday was a “Teacher Work Day”, so I got to stay home. Monday is another one, so next week will be a 4 day week as well. Sometimes […]
How much is that doggie faced bat in the mistnet?
Hi everyone! I hope you all had a good week! I had a great one because it started with a holiday. I hope everyone had a happy Martin Luther King, Jr Day. I am very excited because something very special happened recently in the bat world! Scientists have discovered two new dog-faced bat species!!! That’s […]
Running hot and cold: Good for some, not so good for others
Hello everyone! I hope you all had a good week. I had a great one. The reason it was so awesome was because I had a “snow day” on Monday. That’s right, they cancelled school for the day because there was a possibility of freezing rain! I got to sleep in and watch TV. ? […]
Always remember! Be a good guest!
And a Happy New Year!
Hi everyone! I hope you all had a good week and a very Merry Christmas! I had an awesome Christmas and I got some really cool presents. I even got a brand new Save Lucy t-shirt! Since this will be my last blog post of the year, I thought it would be nice to look […]
A Christmas cookie bat!
Hi everyone! I hope you all had a good week. I am excited because it is almost Christmas!!! I love Christmas! I have been eating so many Christmas cookies that we need to make more to give to our neighbors! I learned an interesting Christmas fact the other day. In Australia, Santa’s sleigh isn’t pulled […]
Up with the Resistance!
Hi everyone! I hope you all had a good week. I am now officially on winter break and I plan on enjoying myself immensely. I hope everyone else is able to enjoy their vacations and that you all have a wonderful holiday season. I read an article about researchers who are trying to find the […]
Pants with pockets, and a tail!
Hi everyone! I hope you all had a good week. I’m excited because it is almost Winter Break. There is only one more week before I get a two-week vacation.  I can’t wait! A lot has been going on in the news this week. One thing makes me sad. There are a lot of wildfires […]
An A+ Performance!!
Hi everyone! I hope you all had a good week! Mine was pretty good. I had to do a one-minute speech in my government class. We were supposed to act like we were talking to Congress and were trying to persuade them to fund our project. Well, of course, my speech was to ask Congress […]
A Thanksgiving Story
Hi everyone! I hope you had a good week and a happy Thanksgiving! I had a nice quiet holiday with lots and lots of food. Since Thanksgiving is supposed to commemorate a treaty signed between the Wampanoag people and the English settlers, and Friday was Native American Heritage Day, I would like to dedicate this […]
Hangin’ in Gabon
  Hi everyone! I hope you had a good week! I had a pretty good one because I have been looking forward to going camping. That’s right! I am going camping tonight! And then tomorrow, I am going caving. I’ve never been caving, so I hope it’s a lot of fun. This week has been […]
A beautiful, superheroic city!
Hi everyone! I hope you all had a good week! I had a pretty good one because last weekend was a four-day weekend! That's right, I had Monday and Tuesday off of school. That means that not only did I have a four-day weekend, but I only had a three-day school week! Personally, I am […]

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