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Our beautiful hoary bat has been enjoying the bat b&b since early February. Her reactions have improved greatly, but she's still a little "off." We took her to the Wildlife Center of Virginia for a vision and trauma assessment. Dr Zimmerman concurs with our suspicion that she seems to have visual impairment. We're going to give her some more time to see if it resolves, but unfortunately hoary bats are rare enough on the landscape that when one comes into rehabilitation it's almost always because of some significant trauma. We're hoping that with time she will once again be winging through the night sky. But this is a great reminder that hoary bats have big eyes, as do most bats, and they are a highly visual species.(Photo by Sarah D, Wildlife Center of Virginia.)#batsofvirginia #batrescue #hoarybat #batsarentscary ... See MoreSee Less
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Please meet the lovely Lady Melrose! She was spotted hanging out (literally) at @melrosecaverns in a precarious spot, a little too close for comfort to cavern visitors. Luckily, caves allow bats to conserve depleted resources, so we think she took refuge in the safest place she could find. While she is very thin, we think this first year girl is going to be OK. As soon as she is up to a healthy weight and the bugs are flying, she's going home to the lovely grounds of Melrose Caverns.We very much appreciate the Melrose Caverns people, who clearly love their historic cavern and grounds, and who were concerned about Lady M and wanted to ensure her well being. We got to check out the cavern and see the Civil War graffiti as well as spot some hibernating endangered tricolored bat#batsofvirginiag#bigbrownbatw#cavernsofvirginiaginia ... See MoreSee Less
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